Advertiser Type | Propietario |
Contact Person | Mayra Castro Rodríguez |
City | San Ramón |
Street Address | San Francisco, Piedades Sur, San Ramón, Alajuela |
Phone | 24478241 |
Celular | 89661232 |
Location: | San Ramón |
Address of Property | San Francisco, Piedades Sur, San Ramón Alajuela |
Price | ₡25,000,000 |
Price/sq meter | ₡250,000 |
Bedrooms | 3 |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Square Meters | 100 |
Lot Size | 545 |
Room Height | 3 mts |
Age of Home | 1994 |
Stories | 1 |
Swimming pool | no |
Parking | 1 |
Type of Floor | Cerámica |
Floor Number | planta baja |
Benefits | Near a School, Sea View, Mountain View, Patio, Roofed Garage, Living room & Dinning room |